History of the Cal Poly Chapter

On May 16, 1955, fifteen men founded the Cal Poly Chapter for the purpose of advancing justice, developing character, diffusing a liberal culture, and promoting friendship. Delta Upsilon men dedicate themselves to fulfilling these principles and providing an environment where you can develop into a Delta Upsilon brother. A Delta Upsilon brother is highly motivated, multi-faceted, fully developed, creative, hardworking and deeply committed to his fraternity.

The founders of the International Fraternity selected Four Founding Principles as a simple, forthright declaration of the fraternity's purpose. These founding goals demand high aspirations of both the man and the organization. They also serve to challenge and inspire us to greater excellence. The four founding principles are as follows:

  1. Advancement of Justice
  2. Diffusion of Liberal Culture
  3. Development of Character
  4. Promotion of Friendship

Δικαια Υποθηκη (pronouced: Dikaia Upotheke)

The Delta Upsilon motto, "Dikaia Upotheke", translates to “Justice, Our Foundation.” The fraternity adopted both the motto and the present active’s badge in 1858, six years before the fraternity adopted the present name of Delta Upsilon. When the chapter started in 1955 as Alpha Upsilon (a local, non-national affiliated fraternity), the brothers at the time adopted the motto "Acwluqhsan Hmas". The Alpha Upsilon motto translates to “Follow Us."

Acwlu qhsan Hmas (pronounced: Acwlu Thsan Hmas)

Responsibility is an important facet of a Delta Upsilon man’s life. Years ago the chapter adopted Seven Responsibilities as a guideline for the brothers to remember their duty to the fraternity, the university, and society. The Delta Upsilon man strives to fulfill to the best of his ability each of these responsibilities. The seven responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Obedience
  3. Respect
  4. Good Conduct and Good Manners
  5. Loyalty
  6. Financial Duty
  7. Representation of the Fraternity

Points Of History

Alpha Upsilon & Delta Upsilon Significant Point In Time

  1. Alpha Upsilon Fraternity was founded May 16, 1955, under the principles and ideals of Delta Upsilon. The fraternity was founded by Robert E. Bonson, who was affiliated with the Delta Upsilon Fraternity at the University of Iowa (Iowa City).
  2. The Constitution was accepted on November 22, 1955, along with the fraternity colors.
  3. Charter membership was closed with fifteen (15) men on November 30, 1955.
  4. Active and pledge pins were chosen by the membership on January 11, 1956.
  5. The Fraternity prayer was accepted on January 17, 1956. Also on this date, Honorary membership was bestowed upon: Roy Harris (Faculty Advisor), Everett M. Chandler, Dan Lawson, and Eugene Brendlin (Faculty Supporters). These men were to become Honorary members upon recognition of the fraternity by the college.
  6. The first pledge class was pinned February 8, 1956.
  7. The Constitution was accepted by S.A.C. as the first recognized fraternity at Cal Poly on February 14, 1956.
  8. The Garden Street House lease was signed in March of 1956.
  9. On March 28, 1956, Julian A. McPhee, President of Cal Poly, vetoed S.A.C.'s acceptance of Alpha Upsilon. He offered a deal which stated that if the Greek letters were dropped, Alpha Upsilon would be accepted; that offer was declined by the Chapter.
  10. August 1969, Alpha Upsilon petitioned to become a member of Delta Upsilon International.
  11. On May 2, 1970, Alpha Upsilon was installed as a Delta Upsilon chapter.
  12. August 1970, Delta Upsilon, Cal Poly chapter, was represented for the first time at the Delta Upsilon National Convention.
  13. January 23, 1971, the first Delta Upsilon pledge class was initiated.
  14. October 11, 1971, Delta Upsilon was recognized by S.A.C. as an on-campus group with full campus privileges.
  15. On October 22, 1973, Delta Upsilon, Cal Poly chapter, voted to drop the International affiliation and once again become Alpha Upsilon Fraternity.
  16. September 15, 1975, the Palm Street House was bought.
  17. On May 28, 1980, Alpha Upsilon Fraternity was granted its Use Permit (UPO852) from the San Luis Obispo Planning Commission.
  18. Poly Royal, March 3, 1985, Actives and attending Alumni witnessed the burning of the Palm Street House Mortgage.
  19. On July 28, 1988, following a two year search, Alpha Upsilon closed escrow on the 720 and 726 Foothill Blvd. House. AY Go 90.
  20. The Cal Poly Colony of Delta Upsilon was founded on November 1, 1989 under the ideals and principles of Delta Upsilon.
  21. On May 2, 1992, the Delta Upsilon Cal Poly Colony was installed as an International chapter.
  22. On October 22, 2005, during the observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the fraternity, Actives and attending Alumni witnessed the burning of the Foothill House mortgage. This signified that the fraternity owned the 720-726 Foothill Blvd property outright.
  23. On November 18, 2013, the original 720-726 Foothill Blvd property was demolished in preparation for construction of a new fraternity house on the property.
  24. On February 24 2015, the new 720 Foothill Blvd. house construction contract was executed. Construction began the first week of March 2015 on the new facility.
  25. On January 2, 2016, the new fraternity house at 720 Foothill Blvd was completed and actives began moving in.

Alumni Organization

Since its founding on May 16, 1955 as Alpha Upsilon Fraternity and subsequent affiliation with Delta Upsilon Fraternity in 1990, there have been more than 800 men initiated into the Fraternity. The Alumni organization has grown into a dynamic organization that strives to meet the following goals:

  • Ensuring the continuation of the ideals, principles and values of the Fraternity
  • Raising funds which provide scholarships for the undergraduate brothers to help deserving young men ease the costs of a college education, books, tuition, or rent
  • Raising funds to be used to undertake major site renovations planned for the Fraternity house, thus allowing greater access to low cost rent to more undergraduate brothers
  • Facilitation of mentoring relationships between Alumni and Undergraduate brothers, and providing career guidance and assistance in their job search after graduation

The alumni organization is structured into 2 entities:

The Alpha Upsilon Alumni Corporation of San Luis Obispo, CA

The Alumni Corporation was formed on November 21, 1965 and was incorporated in California under Section 501(c)7 on March 10, 1966.
  • Executive Board – consists of 9 officers elected annually in May. The officers are charged with the operational execution of Fraternity business and oversight of the undergraduate chapter.
  • Board of Directors – consists of 5 directors elected as follows:
    • 4 directors are elected to bi-annual terms in alternating fashion during the annual meeting held in May
    • 1 director position is held by the duly elected President of the Alumni Corporation
    • The Corporation BOD provides oversight for the Executive Board and is charged with identifying the long term strategy for the organization

The Alpha Upsilon – Delta Upsilon Alumni Foundation

The Foundation was formed on May 26, 2001 and was incorportated in California under Section 501(c)3 on June 21, 2001.
  • Board of Directors – consists of 6 directors elected as follows:
    • 5 directors are assigned from the Corporation BOD (see above)
    • 1 director (Treasurer) is elected bi-annually at the annual Meeting held in May
    • The Foundation BOD determine how best to appropriate funds consistent with the the bylaws and objectives of the Foundation.


Alumni Corporation Executive Officers

  • President - John Hatfield 100th
  • VP & Fund Raising - Cox Thornton 81st
  • Treasurer - Andrew Lanphar 106th
  • Secretary - Rob Anderson 63rd
  • Events/Activities - Vacant
  • InterChapter & IHQ - Vacant
  • Recognition/Awards - John Proud 15th
  • Facilities Manager - Norbert Lippert 44th
  • Undergrad/Alumni Relations - Juan Fernandez 74th

Alumni Corporation Board of Directors

Terry Reeves 81st
Lee Doble 20th
Greg Rosenthal 72nd
David Koch 80th
John Hatfield 100th

Alumni Foundation Board of Directors

Terry Reeves 81st
Lee Doble 20th
Greg Rosenthal 72nd
David Koch 80th
John Hatfield 100th
Andy Chaffee 96th

Undergraduate Chapter Exec Board Officers